🍊 Wednesday Gazette: January 15, 2025
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On Tuesday, the City Council will hold its annual recognition ceremony of the 25 Most Remarkable Teens in Riverside. Members will also consider adopting new smoking regulations for multi-unit housing, and weigh the purchase of over 12,000 new trash bins for residents.
Work continues on the general fund and biennial budgets, a grant can help pay for a new RPD service dog, and the Board of Ethics considers amending its current code.
This week the City Council will hear the annual Community Police Review Commission report and consider a new ordinance regarding smoking in multi-housing units. On Thursday, the Planning Commission will review plans for an expansion of the Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center.
Council reviewed the 2022-2024 biennial budget in a special Monday meeting; Tuesday's agenda includes a vote to purchase property currently serving as RPD headquarters and the sale of city-owned land in Casa Blanca for a new affordable housing development
Proposed budgets for 2022 through 2024 get reviewed by the Board of Public Utilities and the Board of Library Trustees, and The City Council to consider adding an initiative onto the November ballot.
Multiple affordable housing projects to be reviewed, City Council inches forward with new city code for street food vendors and multiple roads to soon see new speed limits.
It's the fifth Tuesday of March, so City Council will not meet. For Thursday, the preliminary fiscal year 2022-2024 biennial budget will be reviewed and the Planning Commission will look at a proposed 300-unit housing development.
City Council will consider approving new rules and speed limits for several roadways this week, the Museum of Riverside has special upcoming events and the annual report on cases of officer-involved deaths and citizen complaints will be reviewed.
After nearing two months since the lawsuit's final arguments, Judge Harold Hopp, who is on the case, still has made no decision as to whether he'll certify the measure.
It's a big week for City Council. On Tuesday, it will consider approving changes for mobile food truck vendors and consider allocating $6.5 million for a state library grant. Also, the Board of Public Utilities will review Riverside's water shortage contingency plan
A government fellow program may be approved for California Baptist University, the Budget Engagement Committee will have a busy Thursday including an update on allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds, and the city is a step closer to digital signage.
The City Council to receive summary of all California Legislature housing bills, a special joint meeting will be held with the Board of Ethics, and affordable housing projects will receive updates.
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