This week at City Hall: April 19

Council reviewed the 2022-2024 biennial budget in a special Monday meeting; Tuesday's agenda includes a vote to purchase property currently serving as RPD headquarters and the sale of city-owned land in Casa Blanca for a new affordable housing development

A photo of the entrance to Riverside City Hall.

City Council Special Meeting

Item 2: Fiscal year 2022-2024 budget development

On Monday, the City Council held a special meeting to get an update and provide input on the fiscal year 2022-2024 biennial budget. The budget includes an overview of the general fund preliminary budget and spending plan for Measure Z funds.

According to the general fund preliminary budget, Riverside expects to take in over $310 million in revenue, with over $305 million in expenditures for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The city expects to receive over $50 million from the general fund transfer from the electric and water utility for that fiscal year, through provisions of Measure C, a ballot measure approved by voters that is currently being challenged in court.

The preliminary budget shows the city is expected to take in over $76 million through Measure Z during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Anticipated expenses include $18.2 million for maintaining existing services, $11.3 million for additional sworn police positions, $5.8 million for fire and police vehicle replacement and maintenance, and $2.7 million for the new downtown main library.

City Council Tuesday Agenda

Item 20: Purchasing property for new police headquarters

On Tuesday, the City Council will consider approving the purchase of property on 4102 Orange Street, which is serving as headquarters for the Riverside Police Department (RPD). The city is leasing the property from the County of Riverside at a cost of $292,000 per year. To purchase the property, the city would need to pay approximately $3.1 million. The current lease expires on August 14.

Item 25: City Hall roof deck refinishing

The council will also consider awarding a bid to Angelus Waterproofing and Restoration, Inc. of Huntington Beach to refinish the Riverside City Hall’s roof deck. According to city documents, water from the roof “migrates” to the third floor during rain showers. The refinishing would cost the city $157,285.

Item 28: Approving sale of Casa Blanca property for affordable housing

The City Council will consider adopting a resolution to allow the Gilbane Development Company to purchase a 3.9-acre property off Madison Street and Railroad Avenue for $2.4 million. Gilbane would then develop the property, which is next to the railroad tracks, into affordable housing. The plan is to build 45 multi-family residential units and 75 senior residential units.

Item 29: Ballot initiative for mayoral veto power

The council will consider whether to place on the November ballot an amendment to the city charter providing the mayor with veto power over actions taken by the City Council. The current draft ballot question reads, “Shall the measure amending the City of Riverside’s Charter to amend the Mayor’s power to include the power to veto, within five days, any formal action taken by the City Council, including but not limited to any emergency ordinance, the annual budget, and any formal action taken to appoint, adjust compensation, suspend or remove any officer or employee appointed by the City Council, except an ordinance proposed by citizen initiative petition, be adopted?”

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