Hawarden Hills Fire Damages Houses and Displaces Residents

Emergency services ask residents to heed evacuation orders and avoid the area while crews work to control the blaze

Hawarden Hills Fire Damages Houses and Displaces Residents
Helicopter pulls water from Canyon Crest Country Club to douse nearby Hawarden Hills Fire. (Ken Crawford/Gazette)

Structure losses and evacuations have occurred in the Hawarden Hills neighborhood due to a wildfire in the Arroyo adjacent to the Gage Canal between Maude and Mary Streets. The fire spread south and east toward Overlook and Alessandro, affecting nearly five hundred acres. 

Information on the fire's perimeter, containment progress, and access to public safety announcements can be found on the Watch Duty app.

An evacuation center has been set up at Orange Terrace Park in Orangecrest. Emergency crews ask that everyone stay away from the area unless they need to be there.

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