Downtown Dining: The Loss of a Downtown Landmark
The Salted Pig closes, a Dapper debut arrives, and The State is on its way.
Inclusiveness, Community Engagement, and Governmental Processes Committee Item 2: Review of Riverside’s Participation in the SoCal Public Power Authority On Wednesday, the committee will be receiving a draft forensic report on Riverside’s participation in the Southern California Public Power Authori
Inclusiveness, Community Engagement, and Governmental Processes Committee
Item 2: Review of Riverside’s Participation in the SoCal Public Power Authority
On Wednesday, the committee will be receiving a draft forensic report on Riverside’s participation in the Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA). The SCPPA is made up of eleven local municipal utilities and an irrigation district. They collaborate on things like planning, financing, construction, and operation of various utility projects.
The Eide Bailly business advisory firm made the report after speaking with numerous Riverside officials and after reviewing data from the SCPPA. According to their presentation, from 2009 to 2018, Riverside had $234 Million of expenses through the SCPPA, $208 Million of which they say went to power generation and transmission.
Item 3: Establishing Flag Handling and Displaying Protocols
The committee will establish a formal policy concerning the handling and display of flags at city facilities. The proposed resolution gives standards for the potential display of commemorative flags and where they can specifically be displayed in city facilities. If the resolution is passed, this would be the city’s first set of formal rules for displaying flags.
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