This Week in City Hall: July 18, 2023

Council to consider a $2.26M cost-sharing agreement for water recycling project and a $10M allocation to City's reserves in Tuesday's meeting.

This Week in City Hall: July 18, 2023
Jacaranda trees bloom on Main Street near City Hall. (Brenda Flowers/Gazette)

City Council will meet in closed and open sessions Tuesday, July 18. There are two discussion items on the agenda.

Riverside Habitat, Parks, and Water Project

Council will consider a cost-sharing agreement with San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) for up to $2,261,500 for the "West Branch environmental and design costs" of the Riverside Habitat, Parks, and Water Project (RHPWP). On June 26, 2023, the RPU Board voted 7 to 1 to approve recommending the Council's approval of the agreement.

According to the City's report, the RHPWP plans to move recycled water from the Regional Water Quality Control Plant (RWQCP), the facility at the intersection of Jurupa Avenue and Van Buren Boulevard, to "tributaries of the Santa Ana River and large irrigation-use customers located within the vicinity of the proposed pipeline."

A cost breakdown of the project's design totals $2,261,500, which includes $1.7 million for engineering design to be performed by RPU Water Engineering.

In March of 2022, a request for proposal for construction documentation said the Valley District and RPU "are working together to provide an innovative approach for a long-term, reliable water source to sustain habitat restoration in tributaries to the Santa Ana River, as well as provide irrigation water to several facilities in the City of Riverside including parks.

A map from the City's presentation shows the planned routes for sending recycled water from the Water Quality Control Plant.

The RHPWP consists of two branches:

  1. The West Branch would provide supplemental recycled water to Hole Creek, Hidden Valley Creek, and the Hidden Valley Wetlands.
  2. The East branch would move recycled water to Anza Creek at Martha McLean Park and Tequesquite Arroyo and then head north towards Fairmount Park and the Northside area.

The RHPWP would also provide a reliable water supply to about four miles of newly created and restored habitat used by native fish, including the threatened Santa Ana Sucker.

Fiscal Year 2022/23 Third Quarter Financial Update

Council will also receive the City's Fiscal Year 2022/23 Third Quarter Financial Update, which includes a request to "approve the allocation of $10 million in projected General Fund savings to the General Fund Infrastructure Reserve ($7 million) and the establishment of a Technology Reserve ($3 million)."

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