🍊 Wednesday Gazette: January 22, 2025
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This week at City Hall, plans are waiting on approvals and final sign offs and Festival of Lights planning is beginning.
Line 9 – Closed Session: Price and terms for Lot 33
Michael Moore, Interim City Manager will be given instructions and granted authority regarding the price and terms of payment for the purchase, sale, exchange or lease of real property.
Line 17 – Homelessness Action Plan
Office of Homeless Solutions asks council to approve the Homelessness Action Plan. On September 26, 2022, the Office of Homeless Solutions presented an updated draft of the action plan. They then went on to incorporate recommendations into the final draft for council to consider.
Line 21 – Festival of Lights Décor Contract
The Community and Economic Development Department asks that council approve their professional services agreement not to succeed $250,000 with DÉCOR IQ, San Antonio, Texas to design, install and maintain custom decorations for the 30th annual Festival of Lights, through January 31, 2023.
Line 31 – Beazer Homes
The Public Works Committee asks Council to approve the Final Tract Map No. 37626 for Beazer Homes Holding LLC., The location is on the southeast corner of Tyler Street and Jurupa Avenue, consisting of 7.07 acres. The plan is to subdivide the land into 55 single-family residential lots, 15 lettered lots for open space purposes and 17 lots for street purposes.
Line 5 – Name Change and Development
Shahvand Aryana of Spencer Ct. W2, LLC asks council to consider approving street vacations to vacate Spencer Court a public street, 500 feet in length and 60 feet in width. This would help to facilitate future street improvements. Council is also asked to approve changing the street name from Spencer Court to Aryana View Court and to determine that the project be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act as the project will not have a significant effect on the environment.
Line 6 – Workshop: Inclusionary Housing
It is recommended that a workshop be conducted to discuss the amendments being considered to Title 19 of the Riverside Municipal Code, including but not limited to Articles VII (Specific Land Use Provisions), VIII (Site Planning and General Development Provisions) IX (Land Use Developmental Permit Requirements and Procedures) and X (Definitions). These amendments will establish Chapter 19.535 (Inclusionary Housing) to implement General Plan 2025 Housing Element policies to facilitate the production of housing and affordable to very low-low and moderate-income households in new residential development projects.
Line 4 – Public Parking, Five-year Financial Plan Update
Commission will discuss the impact of the rescinded parking rates and hour schedule. The revised plan will include up-to-date estimates of revenues and expenditures.
Line 2 – Closed Session: Personnel Discussion Regarding City Manager
A closed session will be held on October 14, 2022, for the purpose of permitting the City
Council to consider the appointment/employment of the City Manager. [Gov’t. Code
Line 3 – Closed Session: Personnel Salary and Benefits Discussion for City Manager
City Council will meet to review the City Council’s position and instruct designated representatives regarding salaries, salary schedules, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of unrepresented employee: City Manager
Line 2 – Riverside Transmission Reliability Project (RTRP) Update
The initial meeting took place on September 15, 20222 with California Strategies project managers and staff from the City Managers office. Riverside Public Utilities provided input.
Line 3 – Upper Santa Ana River Watershed Infrastructure Financing Authority
The Public Utilities Department asks committee members to approve joining the upper Santa Ana River Watershed Infrastructure through the completion of a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement. They are also seeking to have $270,000 expenditure to fund Riverside’s portion of submitting a funding application and Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loan package to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a regional suite of infrastructure projects.
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