Rare Fruit Growers Host Workshops at Land Use Center

A Scion exchange and a seminar on Fruit Cocktail Trees are among the planned activities.

Rare Fruit Growers Host Workshops at Land Use Center
Perfectly Ripe Orange. (Ken Crawford)

This Saturday, February 1st, the California Rare Fruit Growers Inland Empire Chapter is hosting a free workshop on scion exchange and backyard fruit growing at the Land Use Learning Center in Riverside, California. The event will feature two informative sessions:

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.: Fruiting Vines and Cocktail Trees
The first session will focus on fruiting vines. Participants will learn about various types of vines, their unique characteristics, and how to cultivate them successfully. A highlight of this session will be learning how to create a "fruit cocktail tree" – a multi-grafted tree that produces a variety of fruits, adding a unique and delicious element to your backyard orchard.

11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.: Scion Exchange
The second session will cover the practice of scion exchange. A scion is a cutting taken from a plant, typically during its dormant season. These cuttings can be used to graft onto another plant, creating a new variety or propagating a desirable cultivar. They can also be rooted to start a new plant from scratch. The workshop will include hands-on grafting demonstrations and provide attendees with the opportunity to learn this valuable skill.

"We are happy to have Inland Empire Rare Fruit Growers here at the Land Use Learning Center. They are an excellent resource and present a great opportunity for local gardeners," Jenny Iyer, Public Affairs Manager at RCRCD.

The event is free and open to the public. However, priority will be given to California Rare Fruit Growers members, scion donors, and then the general public.

If you want to learn more about fruit growing and connecting with the local gardening community, mark your calendar for this Saturday's workshop. It promises to be an informative and engaging experience for all who attend.

The details:

  • When: Saturday, February 1st, 10:00 AM - 1:45 PM
  • Where: Land Use Learning Center, 4500 Glenwood Dr., Riverside, CA 92501

For more information:
Contact the Land Use Learning Center at (951) 683-7691 ext. 207 or visit their website.

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