Introducing "The Gardner Gauge"

Former Riverside City Councilmember and current Western Municipal Water District board member Mike Gardner will write a monthly column for The Raincross Gazette.

Introducing "The Gardner Gauge"

I am excited to announce the introduction of a new monthly column which will debut next week – The Gardner Gauge, written by Mike Garnder. A gauge is “an instrument for measuring,” and Mike’s experience in Riverside uniquely positions him to be a gauge for our understanding of matters from state and local energy policy to preparedness.

For those who don’t know him, Mike is a 50+ year resident of Riverside, having transferred to UCR from a community college in the Bay Area. He worked for Southern California Edison for over two decades. He began as an archaeologist in the environmental planning group before progressing through regulatory affairs, governmental affairs, and customer service roles. Gardner was one of the original members of Riverside’s Community Police Review Commission, served on the Riverside City Council for 12 years, and spent 11 years on the State Seismic Safety Commission. He now serves on the Western Municipal Water District Board, which provides water service to about 10% of Riverside’s residents.

Mike will write on water, energy, government, election processes, and emergency preparedness.

The Gardner Gauge will run on the second Wednesday of the month, beginning July 12, with a discussion of California’s water supply, infrastructure, and planning. I hope you will enjoy Mike’s insights.

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